b'for the record FACTS & FIGURESWhats on the Plate?Many mothers around the world face not only the difficult question of what to feed their childrenbut how. Food scarcity, poverty and inadequate feeding practices too often dictate the quantity and quality of food on thetable, driving many familiesto fill their belliesAroundwith starchy staple foods or make impossible choicesTHREEaboutwho will eat and who will have nothing at all.Heifers support can beBILLIONlife-changing in theseenvironments, helping families build strong livelihoods and betterutilize the foods that are available, so they can fill a healthy diet.their plates and livenourished lives. Most live in Asia and Africa.As food prices rise, this numberis growing exponentially. Globally, an estimated 71% of children aged 6-23 months do not have their minimum nutritional needs met.Cereals, roots, tubers and plantains Sources: The State of Food Securityrepresent nearly 70% of calories consumed and Nutrition in the World 2020per day and nearly 60% of all food available and The State of Food Securityand Nutrition in the World 2022 by weight in low-income countries.'