b'thats critical, said Neenacooperative membershipsimproving food security and Joshi, Heifers senior directoror clients at over 1 billion. contributing to healthier, of programs for cooperativeNutan and the membersmore resilient communities.BOTTOMLEFTdevelopment in Asia. of Kamla Farmer ProducerThe values of solidarity,Nutan Devi presents the These groups structure,Company are just one ofreciprocity and democracyrevenue figures and the social cohesion theythe many tenacious andthat underpin cooperativesfor Kamla Farmer Producer foster between members, helpsdetermined cooperativeslead to far-reaching and long- Company during ensure the skills taught inHeifer supports. In Ecuador,lasting changethe kind ofa meeting with formal trainings are appliedfor example, four producerchange that lifts families outthe board of directors. consistently, she said. Atorganizations created theof poverty and opens doors regular meetings, co-opcountrys first farmer-ownedfor women like Nutan. MIDDLEYoung members check in on progress,online marketplace, harnessingToday, the Kamla Farmercooperative address issues and holde-commerce to sell food grownProducer Company has itsmembers one another accountable. by 400 smallholder farmers. sights set on expansion. After aprepare yogurt in Kampala, Cooperatives also functionAnd, in the town ofrecent investment in a pickupUganda. Banding as long-term support systems inChahuites in southeasterntruck and a collection center,together like this in collective their communities, Neena said. Mexico, a group of five poultryNutan envisions the group willbusiness farmers formed a cooperative toreach 10,000 women members. improves A Global Phenomenon collectively purchase veterinaryWe always encourage allincomes for all.The global cooperativesupplies and products for flockmembers to unite and moveBOTTOMRIGHTmovement is no smallmanagement. Buying in bulkforward with courage, sheFarmers from the Chhatre phenomenon. There aresaves them anywhere fromsaid. It is important to believeDeurali Social 3 million cooperatives on10% to 50% of the usual price. in ourselves. We approachEntrepreneur Womens Earth, involving at least 12%United in cooperation, localdifficulties with a mindset ofCooperative in of the worlds population.farmers around the worldovercoming them. The mantraNepal harvest And a U.N. study of 145are building more profitableis simple: Find a solution.vegetables to be transported countries put the number ofand productive livelihoods,There is no giving up.n to market.PHOTO BY PR ANAB K . AICH PHOTO BY FBIO ERDOS PHOTO BY NARENDR A SHRESTHAHEIFER.ORG |41'