b'Stoves for a village: $1,000 Single Stove:$50For many families in the places where Heifer works, cooking requires gathering firewood by hand for hours each day. Burning firewood contributes to smoke filled homes, which negatively impacts the health of everyone in the home. Gathering firewood also leads to deforestation affecting the climate. BHAWANA USES A BIOGAS STOVE TO HEAT UP However, a biogas stove efficiently runs offMILK FROM THE FAMILYS CATTLE.methane gas captured from animal waste. It saves time spent on foraging for fuel and helps families prepare food more easily with a clean, reliable heat source.You can help a Heifer family purchase a biogas stove. Or you can help a whole village by purchasing 20.INSTALL SOLAR PANELS on your property and take a big step to combat climate change.HEIFER.ORG/WORLDARK/CATALOG |33'