b'account with a local microfinance bank in order to borrow money to expand their operations. The group rented an unused pig shed from another cooperative in the area and purchased six mature pigs. As their pig herd thrivedgrowing from six to 42the farmers sold the healthy livestock alongside animal feed to pay off their loan.With their capital growing alongside their membership, the group recently constructed a milk collection point to allow its farmers to transport their products more easily and effectively to markets and to buyers. Equipped with skills and knowledge, farmers of the Abakundinka group are uniting to overcome the challenges they used to face alone, pulling themselves and their families out of poverty as they raise healthy cows, produce nutritious milk and earn a stable income.This urge to help their wider community surmount similar hurdles is how the community kitchen came to be. I provide milk to the community kitchen and this boosts my relationship with the children and their families, said Pascaline. It is something I am very proud of.Fresh Food for Small StomachsBefore the children dig into their meals at the community kitchen, one of the mothers makes her way around the circle of seated kids to pour clean water over their hands. Simple acts of improved hygiene like this can spur big changes in communities where the knowledge to keep themselves and their families healthy is often difficult to access or apply.The kitchen has nurtured a strong relationship with the local village leaders, 14| HOLIDAY2022'