b'Did you know a cow provides morethan just nutritious milk to drink?Extra milk can be sold or made into cheese and yogurt. Manure is also usedto fertilize farmers crops and improvetheir harvests. Your gift of a mating pair of cattle will improve a hungry familys health and income and provide opportunities for success that theyve never had before. These industrious animals will immediately go to work for a needy family. A heifer and bull will improve the productivity of a struggling farm. This mating pair will provide valuable offspring, which can be raised or sold at market. Soon, this family will be able to Pass on the Gift, which will turn them into donors themselves. Thanksto your gift of a mating pair of cattle, another family will move from poverty mating pair to self-reliance.of cattle :$1,000HEIFER.ORG/WORLDARK/CATALOG |27'