b'Rebuilding in theShadow of ConflictBY JASON WOODS, WORLD ARK MANAGING EDITORPHOTOS BY JOE TOBIASONConscripted by Maoist rebelsAs a reprieve from an arduous day of work in the stifling heat of southern at a young age, Ganga GhartiNepal, Ganga Gharti and her husband, and Rudra Pun spent yearsRudra Pun, sit in the corridor of their nearly finished home. It always has a tangled up in the Nepalesebreeze like this, Pun said. Even if its peak summer, even if it gets really hot,Civil War against their will.we dont use a fan.The new house is a significant But when the opportunityupgrade from the old, a smaller thatched-finally arose, the two ranroof house, which termites eventually infested. Now, Gharti and Pun live in a away from that life, together.two-story, wood-and-stone house with four bedrooms and a sturdy roof. But What came next presentedenjoyment of the new home doesnt last a new challenge, one thatlong this day, not with two children to raise and a thriving goat business to run.they met head on withIn 2012, Gharti received a couple of goats from Heifer Nepal. After taking the help of Heifer Nepal. care of them for six months, she HEIFER.ORG |31'