b'to eat, and Black and Brown folks, in particular, beingTheres nothing natural about a whole disproportionately impactedbunch of people not having enough by diabetes, heart disease and other diet-related illnesses.to eat, and Black and Brown folks, in That is a human-createdparticular, being disproportionately system. And it is connectedimpacted by diabetes, heart disease to a history of housing segregation and redlining andand other diet related illnesses. divestment from communities.That is a human-created system.So apartheid is really more appropriate and also more hopeful. A desert cannot beHow has Soul Fire Farmfarm that was able to shift defeated. Apartheid is human- adapted in terms of all theall of our production to free created, and it can be undone.disruption weve beendoorstep delivery of food So I think the name also givesseen since the beginningfor people within a matter us a sense of directionality inof the pandemic? of weeks, which is amazing, terms of how were going toI feel proud of our team forwere also an advocacy and deal with it. Theres nothinghow nimble weve been ableeducation organization. And inevitable about it, right? to be. In addition to being aso people started reaching out to us saying, How do we grow our own food? [and] Can you support us? And we ramped up our Soul Fire in the City home gardens program, which usually only has a few garden builds a year, to almost 50 so far this year. People who received a garden build along with the plants, the tools, the materials, the training, the network of other gardeners to connect with. We train thousands ofTOPnew Black and Brown farmersPenniman uses every year. We shifted a lot ofaluminum foil collars to protect that programming online forthe tender this year because we couldntstems of the meet in person and so forth.hot peppers shes growing.I think that both in terms of our farm but also in terms ofBOTTOMSoul Fire Farm, being a small organizationlocated in thats really connected to ourGrafton, New community, were able toYork, works to end racism in the adapt and respond in waysfood system and that met folks stated andreclaim ancestral connections immediate needs. to the land.HEIFER.ORG |13'