b'for the record FACTS & FIGURESRISE UPPREPARING FARMERSFOR AN UNCERTAIN CLIMATE 3 RISE UP SUPPORTS COMMUNITY SAVINGS Vulnerable communities in Guatemala are increasingly affectedPROGRAMS by extreme weather events. RISE UP was a collaboration that helpsthat are strictly for emergencies.communities prepare so that theyre able to survive and thrive despite the threat of natural disasters and climate change. Catalina Pex Cho from the Pecajchoc MANY FAMILIESCommunity in Chisec, Guatemala, holds are one disaster away froma sapling that will soon be part of the 1 RISE UP IDENTIFIESHURRICANES financial ruinRISE UP helpseffort to rebuild forest ecosystems.VULNERABLE COMMUNITIESset aside savings to build resilience.AGROFORESTRYat high risk of facing disasters and updates integrated emergency plans. Indigenous peoples of Guatemala have practiced agroforestry for centuries. These methods integrate Heifer Guatemala works with4 RISE UP PROMOTEStrees and shrubs into animal local government, partnersFOOD SECURITY AND NUTRITION management and crop farming and communities. It identifiedDROUGHTS through education and the distribution of resources that help farmerssystems to protect the soil, preserve 108 communities in 7TSUNAMIS recover faster, as well as trainings on food preservation, shelteringthe environment and generate municipalities particularlylivestock and securing emergency feed. income. Agroforestry practices also vulnerable to disasters, thenmitigate some of the effects of climate updated emergency plans. FLOODS COMMUNITY SEED BANKSchange and natural disasters.help local farmers who lose crops recover more quickly. In recent years, landowners PARTICIPANTS ENCOURAGED using conventional farming practices to harvest and save preservable crops for food. have destroyed much of Guatemalas tropical forests. The impact of TRAININGS EDUCATE PARTICIPANTS agroforestry is far-reaching. on best practices for sheltering livestock and securingPrecious topsoil is often carried emergency feed when disaster strikes. away by floodwaters, exposing 2 RISE UP MITIGATES CLIMATE CHANGEslopes and hillsides. Without the through sustainable, holistic agricultural practices that fight disasters atcover of deep-rooted trees and cover their source. plants, the risk of severe erosion and RESTORATION OF FORESTSand ecologically sound farminglandslides increases. methods preserve ecosystems and prevent mudslides and forest fires. Heifer International partners with local government through the Chisec HEALTHIER SOILleads to restoration of natural water cycles andSEED BANKS Municipal Greenhouse, the countrys minimization of erosion, which lessens the impact of severe flooding. largest municipal nursery, to support CORN agroforestry training. The greenhouse specializes in fine wood trees like mahogany and various spices, including cardamom and cocoa. After training at the facility, farmers 725 ACRES9 NURSERIES ESTABLISHEDBEANS receive saplings and seedlings to of forests restored helpwith the capacity to produce 445,000 seedlingsjump-start their own income-earning mitigate dangerous weather. a year to reforest about 988 acres of land. agroforestry systems.'