b'PHOTO BY OLIVIER ASSELIN 3 Sumitra Rijal lights up a biogas BIOGASstove powered with her family Biogas units provide yet another efficientcows manure in Nepal. solution for utilizing livestock waste for fertilizerand cooking. Farmers fill an airtight container, called a biodigester, with dung and water, where the mix is processed in the absence of oxygen to produce biogas. Biogas contains a high concentration of methane, a clean source of energy that emits less carbon dioxide and polluting particles. The gas then travels via pipe to fuel the household stove. Whats left behind in the biodigester is known as bioslurry, which farmers use as a highly potent manure to replace chemical fertilizers and reduce production costs for growing crops.Heifer has installed biogas units for farming families in Rwanda, Senegal, Uganda, Honduras, Nicaragua, India, Nepal and more. Working with partners has beenPHOTO BY PHILLIP DAVISkey to this endeavor. Many governments across Asia and Africa subsidize biogas installation costs to promote environmentalYolanda Montalvn with her biogas units stewardship, as part of the internationalbiodigesterin El Chacn, Nicaragua, effort to protect the climate. which turns manure from her pigs into gas for cooking.22| SPRING 2022'